BSF Recruitment 2022 Qualification:
The candidates should have possessed a bachelor’s degree in library science or library and information science from a recognized university or institute.
BSF Recruitment 2022 Salary:
The selected candidates will be given on regular basis in level-6 of the pay matrix Rs.35400 -112400/- or equivalent in the parent cadre or department.
How to Apply For BSF Recruitment 2022:
- Candidates willing to apply for this post can visit the official site of BSF.
- On the home page, click on current recruitment openings.
- Find the job notification on that page.
- Read the job notification carefully, and then apply for the job.
- Bio Data/application in the given proforma (Annexure-I) along with attested copies of APARs for the last five years, educational certificates, and other testimonials in respect of eligible /interested candidates who can be spared in the event of selection for the above post may be sent to DIG (Staff), Pers Date (staff selection), HQ DG BSF, Block No.04, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-03.
BSF Latest Recruitment 2022 Important Link